
从《青春》到后来风靡一时的《寂寞是因为思念谁》,一把吉他,一缕忧郁,一张口深情沙哑的腔调,沈庆成了许多少男少女的青春梦中人。他和老狼、叶蓓等人一样,是几代人心目中“校园民谣”的代表人物。 “你知不知道忘记一个人的滋味 就像欣赏一种残酷的美 然后用很小很小的...

1、There isn’ t any difference between the two. I really don’t know ___. A. where to choose B. which to choose C. to choose what D. to choose which 2、He doesn’t know ___ to stay or not. A. whether B. if C. either D. if he will 3、Last summer I ...

2月24日零点,苏打绿新歌《Tomorrow will be fine.》惊喜上线网易云音乐,这是他们在休团三年后首次合体,而新歌的突袭发布,更引发乐迷集体回忆杀。截止2月24日上午10点,网易云音乐新歌评论区2万多条乐评狂呼:“欢迎回家!”“青春回来了!”,当晚,#苏打绿合体#热搜也一直...

Nana: It seems as if they are telling a story to tourists. 他们仿佛在给游人讲述着故事。 John: Right. Tell me the story. I can't wait. 对呀,给我讲讲这个故事,我等不及了。 Nana: Okay. Once upon a time, there lived a young man in a valley of Wuzhishan...

47. I really enjoyed your lecture ___ there were some parts I didn't quite understand. A) because B) unless C) though D) when 48. The young man has denied ___ the motorcycl...

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